Jibril a.s, Kerbau, Kalelawar dan Cacing

Suatu hari Allah SWT memerintahkan malaikat Jibri AS untuk pergi menemui salah satu makhluk-Nya yaitu kerbau dan menanyakan pada si kerbau apakah dia senang telah diciptakan Allah SWT sebagai seekor kerbau. Malaikat Jibril AS segera pergi menemui si Kerbau.

Di siang yang panas itu si kerbau sedang berendam di sungai. Malaikat Jibril AS mendatanginya kemudian mulai bertanya kepada si kerbau, "hai kerbau apakah kamu senang telah dijadikan oleh Allah SWT sebagai seekor kerbau". Si kerbau menjawab, "Masya Allah, alhamdulillah, aku bersyukur kepada Allah SWT yang telah menjadikan aku sebagai seekor kerbau, dari pada aku dijadikan-Nya sebagai seekor kelelawar yang ia mandi dengan kencingnya sendiri". Mendengar jawaban itu Malaikat Jibril AS segera pergi menemui seekor kelelawar.

Malaikat Jibril AS mendatanginya seekor kelelawar yang siang itu sedang tidur bergantungan di dalam sebuah goa. Kemudian mulai bertanya kepada si kelelawar, "hai kelelawar apakah kamu senang telah dijadikan oleh Allah SWT sebagai seekor kelelawar". "Masya Allah, alhamdulillah, aku bersyukur kepada Allah SWT yang telah menjadikan aku sebagai seekor kelelawar dari pada aku dijadikan-Nya seekor cacing. Tubuhnya kecil, tinggal di dalam tanah, berjalannya saja menggunakan perutnya", jawab si kelelawar. Mendengar jawaban itu pun Malaikat Jibril AS segera pergi menemui seekor cacing yang sedang merayap di atas tanah.

Malaikat Jibril AS bertanya kepada si cacing, "Wahai cacing kecil apakah kamu senang telah dijadikan Allah SWT sebagai seekor cacing". Si cacing menjawab, " Masya Allah, alhamdulillah, aku bersyukur kepada Allah SWT yang telah menjadikan aku sebagai seekor cacing, dari pada dijadikaan-Nya aku sebagai seorang manusia. Apabila mereka tidak memiliki iman yang sempurna dan tidak beramal sholih ketika mereka mati mereka akan disiksa selama-lamanya".

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Faktor Penyebab Terjadinya Penyimpangan sosial

Secara faktual manusia adalah makhluk sosial yang diciptakan Allah yang paling sempurna. Oleh karena itu, dalam melaksanakan interaktifnya, manusia membutuhkan kehadiran orang lain. Sejalan dengan kehadiran orang lain, manusia kemudian saling memengaruhi antara satu dengan yang lainnya. Pengaruh tersebut bermula dari lingkungan keluarga, selanjutnya merebak pada pergaulan di masyarakat. Adapun penyebab munculnya penyimpangan sosial yang berasal dari lingkungan keluarga di antaranya sebagai berikut.

1. Ketidakharmonisan Rumah Tangga

Salah satu penyebab retaknya keharmonisan rumah tangga adalah pergaulan antara lelaki dan perempuan di kantor-kantor tidak terjaga. Dengan paras yang menggoda, ruangan yang tanpa batas, serta pertemuan yang intensif setiap hari akan menciptakan hubungan teman tapi mesra (TTM). Dampaknya, yang bersangkutan bisa selingkuh, zinah, dan penyimpangan sosial lainnya yang tidak sesuai dengan norma-norma agama. Kondisi ini, disadari atau tidak akan melemahkan keharmonisan rumah tangga, bahkan menimbulkan perceraian.

2. Kejahatan Seksual

Fenomena kejahatan seksual akhir-akhir ini sangat memprihatinkan. Misalnya, seorang bapak yang tega memerkosa anak tirinya hingga hamil; anak di bawah umur disodomi; dan pelecehan seks. Kejahatan seksual melahirkan rasa rendah diri pihak korban, selain dirinya menjadi frustasi dan menanggung malu sepanjang hayat.

3. Terbawa Lingkungan dan Pergaulan

Trend dan model pergaulan yang disodorkan media elektronik dewasa ini sering kali menjadi rujukan para remaja di perkotaan dan pedesaan. Mulai dari asesoris, pakaian, rambut, hingga gaya hidup. Sayangnya, peniruan yang dilakukan kaum muda itu tidak disaring dengan baik sehingga melahirkan penyimpangan sosial. Misalnya, aborsi, pergaulan bebas, penggunaan pakaian yang serba terbatas, atau terjerumus pada pemakaian obat-obat terlarang.

4. Lemahnya Kualitas Iman dan Takwa (IMTAQ)

Derasnya informasi melalui media cetak dan elektronik, bukan saja menimbulkan pengaruh positif, tetapi juga pengaruh negatif. Sebagai contoh, jam tayang sinetron televisi yang disukai para penonton, bertepatan dengan waktu shalat, sangat mengganggu kekhusyuan dalam melaksanakan ibadah. Selain itu, banyak anak-anak dan remaja yang enggan berangkat mengaji karena penasaran oleh cerita sinetron. Kondisi tersebut disadari atau tidak merupakan cikal bakal melemahnya kualitas iman dan takwa (IMTAK) yang akhirnya berdampak pada perilaku menyimpang dalam pergaulan di masyarakat.

Sumber :

Firmansyah, Herlan dan Ramdani, Dani, 2009, Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial 2 : untuk Sekolah Menengah Pertama/Madrasah Tsanawiyah Kelas VIII /Semester 1 dan 2, Jakarta : Pusat perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, h. 91 – 92.

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Larutan Elektrolit dan Non Elektrolit

A. Apakah Larutan Itu?

Larutan adalah campuran yang bersifat homogen atau serbasama. Jika Anda melarutkan 2 sendok makan gula putih (pasir) ke dalam segelas air, maka Anda telah mendapatkan larutan gula.

B. Perbedaan Larutan Berdasarkan 
     Daya Hantar Listrik

Berdasarkan daya hantar listriknya, larutan terbagi menjadi 2 golongan yaitu larutan elektrolit dan larutan non elektrolit. Sedangkan elektrolit dapat dikelompokkan menjadi larutan elektrolit kuat dan elektrolit lemah sesuai skema penggolongan berikut.

Bagaimanakah Anda dapat dengan mudah mengelompokkan larutan ke dalam elektrolit kuat, elektrolit lemah ataupun non elektrolit?

Larutan elektrolit adalah larutan yang dapat menghantarkan arus listrik. Sedangkan larutan non elektrolit tidak dapat menghantarkan listrik.

Elektrolit Kuat

- terionisasi sempurna
- menghantarkan arus listrik
- lampu menyala terang
- terdapat gelembung gas

Larutan elektrolit kuat dapat berupa :
Asam Kuat : HCl, H2SO4, HNO3, HClO4
Basa Kuat : NaOH, KOH, Ca(OH)2
Garam : NaCl, K2SO4, CaCl2
Garam adalah senyawa yang terbentuk dari sisa asam dan basa dengan reaksi sebagai berikut :

Asam + Basa ---> Garam + H2O misal,

2HCl + Ca(OH)2 ---> CaCl2 + 2H2O

dari reaksi di atas terlihat garam tersusun dari gabungan Cl- sebagai ion negatif (anion) dan Ca2+ sebagai ion positif (kation), contoh ion2 lain yang dapat membentuk garam yakni :

Kation : Na+, L+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+, NH4+
Anion : Cl-, Br-, I-, SO
42-, NO3-, ClO4-, HSO-, CO32-, HCO32-

sebagai contoh garam yang dapat terbentuk dari gabungan kation dan anion di atas antaralain :

Penggabungan ion2 di atas berdarkan prinsip KPK yang kita pelajari sewaktu di SD....sebagai contoh muatan Mg adalah +2 sedangkan Br adalah -1 agar seimbang Mg cukup sebuah sedangkan Br nya dua buah sehingga menjadi MgBr2. Saat terurai Br tidak menjadi Br2 namun kembali ke bentuk semula Br sebanyak dua buah.

Elektrolit Lemah

- terionisasi sebagian
- menghantarkan arus listrik
- lampu menyala redup
- terdapat gelembung gas

Daya hantarnya buruk dan memiliki derajat ionisasi (kemampuan mengurai menjadi ion2nya) kecil. Makin sedikit yang terionisasi, makin lemah elektrolit tersebut. Dalam persamaan reaksi ionisasi elektrolit lemah ditandai dengan panah dua arah (bolak-balik) artinya reaksi berjadal dua arah...di satu sisi terjadi peruraian dan di sisi lain terbentuk kembali ke bentuk senyawa mula2.

Contoh larutan elektrolit lemah adalah semua asam lemah dan basa lemah.....asam adalah yang menghasilkan/melepas H+ dan basa yang menghasilkan OH- atau menangkap H+

misalnya :


kekuatan elektrolit lemah ditentukan oleh derajad dissosiasinya.....yang dirumuskan :

maka berdasarkan rumus di atas untuk mendapatkan jumlah zat mengion dilakukan dengan cara mengalikan jumlah sat mula2 dengan derajat dissosiasinya....semakin besar harga derajat dissosiasinya maka semakin banyak konsentrasi larutan yang terurai menjadi ion2ya (mengion)

Non Elektrolit

- tidak terionisasi
- tidak menghantarkan arus listrik
- lampu tidak menyala

Contoh :
C6H12O6 (amilum/karbohidrat), C12H22O11, CO(NH2)2 (Urea) dan C2H5OH (Alkohol/etanol), dll

Penyebab Larutan Elektrolit dapat Menghantarkan Listrik

Sebagai contoh larutan elektrolit adalah HCl....Larutan HCl di dalam air mengurai menjadi kation (H+) dan anion (Cl-). Terjadinya hantaran listrik pada larutan HCl disebabkan ion H+ menangkap elektron pada katoda dengan membebaskan gas Hidrogen (H2). Sedangkan ion-ion Cl- melepaskan elektron pada anoda dengan menghasilkan gas klorin (Cl2).

Perhatikan gambar berikut.

Hubungan Elektrolit dengan Jenis Ikatan Kimia

Jika diperhatikan lebih teliti dari jenis ikatannya, larutan elektrolit ada yang berasal dari ikatan ionik dan ada juga yang berasal dari ikatan kovalen polar....Sebagai contoh larutan NaCl dan NaOH berasal dari senyawa ion, sedangkan HCl, CH3COOH, NH4Cl berasal dari senyawa kovalen (tentang jenis2 akan saya bahas dalam artikel tersendiri)

Daya Hantar Listrik Senyawa Ion :
Dapatkah Anda membedakan daya hantar listrik untuk garam pada saat kristal, lelehan dan larutan?

NaCl adalah senyawa ion, jika dalam keadaan kristal sudah sebagai ion-ion, tetapi ion-ion itu terikat satu sama lain dengan rapat dan kuat, sehingga tidak bebas bergerak. Jadi dalam keadaan kristal (padatan) senyawa ion tidak dapat menghantarkan listrik, tetapi jika garam yang berikatan ion tersebut dalam keadaan lelehan atau larutan, maka ion-ionnya akan bergerak bebas, sehingga dapat menghantarkan listrik.
Pada saat senyawa NaCl dilarutkan dalam air, ion-ion yang tersusun rapat dan terikat akan tertarik oleh molekul-molekul air dan air akan menyusup di sela-sela butir-butir ion tersebut (proses hidasi) yang akhirnya akan terlepas satu sama lain dan bergerak bebas dalam larutan.

NaCl (s) + air  ---> Na+(aq) + Cl-(aq)

Daya Hantar Listrik Senyawa Kovalen

Senyawa kovalen terbagi menjadi senyawa kovalen non polar misalnya : F2, Cl2, Br2, I2, CH4 dan kovalen polar misalnya : HCl, HBr, HI, NH3. Dari hasil percobaan, hanya senyawa yang berikatan kovalen polarlah yang dapat menghantarkan arus listrik. 

Bagaimanakah hal ini dapat dijelaskan?

Kalau kita perhatikan, bahwa HCl merupakan senyawa kovalen di atom bersifat polar, pasangan elektron ikatan tertarik ke atom Cl yang lebih elektro negatif dibanding dengan atom H. Sehingga pada HCl, atom H lebih positif dan atom Cl lebih negatif.

Struktur lewis:

Jadi walaupun molekul HCl bukan senyawa ion, jika dilarutkan ke dalam air maka larutannya dapat menghantarkan arus listrik karena menghasilkan ion-ion yang bergerak bebas. Jadi ikatan kovalen polar di dalam air mampu terurai menjadi ion2 penyusunnya.

Apakah HCl dalam keadaan murni dapat menghantarkan arus listrik? 

Karena HCl dalam keadaan murni berupa molekul-molekul tidak mengandung ion-ion, maka cairan HCl murni tidak dapat menghantarkan arus listrik. namun dalam kenyataannya karena HCl berbentuk cair tidak ada HCl yang benar2 murni 100% sehingga HCl dan ikatan kovalen lainnya yang berbentuk cair bukannya tidak dapat menghantarkan listrik namun sukar dalam menghantarkan listrik.

Untuk dapat membedakan larutan elektrolit ionik dan kovalen perhatikanlah contoh2 di bawah ini :

Cara Menentukan Kekuatan Larutan Elektrolit

kekuatan larutan elektroit ditentukan oleh beberapa faktor :

  • Jenis larutan elektrolit, tentu saja elektrolit kuat dalam konsentrasi yang sama atau hampir sama mempunyai kekuatan jauh lebih besar jika dibanding larutan nonelektrolit. Sebab dalam larutan non elektrolit lemah hanya sebagian kecil larutan yang terurai menjadi ion2nya (misal dengan derajat dissosiasi = 0,00001 berarti yang terurai hanya  0,001% dari total konsentrasinya) sedangkan larutan elektrolit kuat hampir semuanya terurai (100% dari konsentrasi terurai)
  •  Kadar/Konsentrasinya, bila sama jenisnya (sama2 elektrolit lemah atau sama2 elektrolit kuat) kekuatan larutan elektrolit ditentukan oleh konsentrasinya...semakin besar konsentrasi maka semakin besar kekuatannya. karena semakin banyak yang mengion.
  • Jumlah ion yang terbentuk per molekul, konsentrasi larutan bukan satu2nya faktor yang mempengaruhi kekuatan larutan elektrolit....jumlah ion yang terbentuk per molekul pun juga punya pengaruh. sebagai contoh coba kalian perhatikan reaksi penguraian KCl dan CaCl2 pada contoh penguraian sebelumnya....dalam reaksi tersebut tiap satu molekul KCl menghasilkan 2 ion yaitu  satu ion K+ dan satu ion Cl- sedangkan dalam reaksi penguraian CaCl2 menghasilkan satu ion Ca+ dan dua ion Cl-....sehingga total Kcl menghasilkan 2 ion dan CaCl menghasilkan 3 ion.

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90 Kata-kata Mutiara Indah di Film Naruto ( buat yg suka naruto harus baca )

1. “Kalau mau saling mengerti, lakukan saja setelah membuat lawan mengalami hal yang sama” (Yahiko, chapter 372)
2. “Aku hanya ingin melindungi mereka, walau harus menjalani penderitaan seperti apapun” (Nagato, chapter 373)
3. “Penderitaan membuatku semakin kuat dan berkembang” (Pain, chapter 474)
4. “Shinobi yang melanggar aturan memang disebut sampah, tetapi shinobi yang meninggalkan sahabatnya lebih rendah dari sampah” (Uchiha Obito)
5. “Aku tak akan menarik kembali kata-kataku, karena itulah jalan ninjaku” (Uzumaki Naruto)
6. “Selemah apapun musuhku, aku tidak akan meremehkan mereka” (Aburame Shino)
7. “Kau lemah, kenapa kau lemah??? Soalnya kurang sesuatu, yaitu kebencian” (Uchiha Itachi)
8. “Seni itu adalah sesuatu yang rapuh, yang menghilang dalam sekejap” (Deidara)
9. “Aku tersesat di jalan yang bernama kehidupan” (Hatake Kakashi)
10. “Sepertinya aku harus meninggalkan Konoha demi menyelamatkan Konoha” (Jiraiya)
11. “Manusia tak kan pernah bisa menang dari rasa kesepian” (Gaara)
12. “Yang diperlukan oleh Shinobi bukan jumlah jutsu yang dapat dikuasainya, tetapi yang diperlukan Shinobi adalah tekad pantang menyerah” (Jiraiya)
13. “A loser is a loser” (Neji Hyuuga)
14. “Kemampuan individu seorang ninja memang penting, tetapi yang lebih penting lagi adalah kerjasama tim” (Hatake Kakashi)
15. “Kalau tanganku patah, akan ku tendang dengan kakiku ini. Kalau kakiku patah, akan ku gigit dengan gigiku ini. Kalau gigiku dihancurkan juga, akan ku lihat dengan dengan tatapan penuh kebencian. Dan kalau mataku dihancurkan juga, akan ku gunakan kutukan untuk melawannya, aku pasti akan mengembalikan Sasuke” (Uzumaki Naruto)
16. “Shinobi bukan dilihat dari cara hidupnya, tetapi bagaimana ia mati” & “Kehidupan Shinobi dinilai bukan dari bagaimana menjalaninya, tetapi dari apa yang sudah dilakukannya” (Jiraiya)
17. “Semua orang hidup terikat dan bergantung pada pengetahuan atau persepsinya sendiri, itu disebut kenyataan. Tetapi pengetahuan atau persepsi itu sesuatu yang samar. Bisa saja kenyataan itu hanya ilusi, semua orang hidup dalam asumsi” (Uchiha Itachi)
18. “Masa depanmu adalah kematian” (Hatake Kakashi)
19. “Kau gagal tetapi masih bisa mampu bangkit kembali, karena itu menurutku arti dari kuat yang sebenarnya” (Hinata Hyuuga)
20. “Aku akan menolongnya meski harus mengorbankan nyawa karena dia adalah temanku” (Shikamaru Naara)
21.”Ninja Yang Paling Buruk adalah Ninja Pengkhianat Desa… Ninja Yang Lebih Buruk Dari Ninja Pengkhianat Desa Adalah Ninja Yang Membiarkan Temannya Dalam Bahaya….!!!” (Kakashi Hatake)
22.”.. seperti apapun juga.. aku akan terus melangkah dan melangkah untuk menolong sasuke, walau harus mempertaruhkan nyawa seperti apapun..”( Naruto Uzumaki)
23.”jangan tarik kata katamu..sekalipun itu akan membawamu kepada kehancuran..karena kau laki laki,,dan itu adalah jalan ninjamu..(uzumaki naruto)
24.”Kau adalah anaku, dan dengan kekuatan Kyuubi kau akan membangun kembali Konoha!”
( Minato Namikaze)
25.”aku ini tidak punya orang tua, aku selalu mrasa sendiri
sluruh orang didesaku memandangku dengan tatapan kebencian, mereka menganggapku monster, sampai-sampai keberadaanku pun tidak mereka hargai, tetapi ada satu orang yang mengakui keberadaanku, ia adalah orang yang pertama kali mengakui kalau aku ini ada, dan selamanya takkan ku biarkan ia pergi, ia adalah sasuke
, sasuke adalah teman terbaikku” (Uzumaki Naruto)
26. “aku lebih menyayangi sasuke sebagai temannya, melebihi kau yang saudaranya sendiri” (Uzumaki Naruto)
27. “Tanpa arah dan tujuan, tidak ada gunanya seorang ninja hidup di dunia ini” (Guy Maito)
28. “kalau rasa keadilanmu menurun berarti kau melemah, dibawah rasa keadilan tidak ada kelemahan apapun!” (Kakashi Hatake)
29. “Kegagalan juga menyenangkan, hidup dengan kepercayaan bahwa cobaan itu berguna untuk menempa diri sendiri” (Jiraiya)
30. “I used to cry and give up,, I nearly went to the wrong way but you.. you always show me the right way. I always chasing you… wanting to overtake you.. I just wanna talk with you.. (Hinata Hyuuga)
31. “Seseorang akan menjadi kuat apabila melindungi seseorang yang dicintainya” (Haku)
32.”Aku hanya ingin hidup seperti awan. Bebas, dan tenang. Ketika aku tua nanti, aku mempunyai seorang istri dan mempunyai 2 anak, satu laki-laki dan satu perempuan, lalu aku meninggal duluan, dan begitulah kehidupanku berlangsung. Sayangnya semua tidak semudah itu, merepotkan sekali!” (Shikamaru Nara)
33. “Aku sekarang bisa melihat segala sesuatu yang tidak bisa kulihat sewaktu aku masih menjadi manusia” (Pain)
34. “Jalan hidup seorang murid adalah warisan dan estimasi dari sang guru” (jiraiya)
35. “Saat kau mengenal kasih sayang , kau juga menanggung resiko kebencian” (Itachi Uchiha)
36. “Keberuntungan juga merupakan kekuatanmu” (Guy Maito)
37. “Sudah kubilang, aku ya aku, kamu ya kamu, soal siapa yang lebih hebat itu cerita yang membosankan” (Shikamaru Nara)
38. “Kau adalah jenius dalam kerja keras (Guy Maito to Rock Lee)
39. “Someone who don’t know pain will not know how true peace is like” (Pain)
40. “Memanjakan dan mengasihani itu berbeda” (Yamato)
41. “Jutsu is not the only weapon, I tell you that!” (Shikamaru Nara)
42. “When people get hurt, they learn to hate” (Jiraiya)
43. “Daripada suapan terakhir makanan selezat apapun atau diejek gendut, aku lebih tidak bisa memaafkanmu kalau kau menghina sahabatku !!!!!” (Chouji Akimichi)
44. “Seni itu abadi dan akan selalu dikenang” (Sasori)
45. “Aku tidak suka dengan orang yang membohongi dirinya sendiri ditengah turunnya salju” (Uzumaki Naruto)
46. “Tidak Semua Mimpi dan harapan akan terwujud sesuai dengan keinginan kita” (Orochimaru)
47. “Untuk mencapai tujuan akhirmu, kamu harus bersabar” (Tobi)
48. “Ular yang melata di tanah bermimpi terbang di angkasa itu hal yang mustahil. Kau yang ingin melakukan sesuatu dan mengincar anak ayam di sarang, malah berbalik diincar oleh mata rajawali yang terbang tinggi di langit” (Sasuke Uchiha to Orochimaru)
49. “Keadilanmu adalah membunuhku dan akatsuki, keadilanku adalah balas dendam terhadap konoha, semua ada latar belakang yang benar, lalu apakah kau dapat menjawab apa itu keadilan?” (Pain to Naruto)
50. “Renge (teratai) konoha bersemi dua kali, saat kita bertemu lagi nanti aku berjanji akan menjadi orang yg lebih kuat” (Rock Lee to Sakura)
51. “Kalau kau yakin dengan takdirmu, maka sejak awal seharusnya kau tidak mengikuti pertarungan ini!!!” (Naruto to Neji)
52. “Seseorang yang gagal menolong temannya tidak pantas menjadi hokage..” (Uzumaki Naruto)
53. “I never go back on my own words” (Uzumaki Naruto)
54. “Anak-anak yang mulai sekarang akan mengemban Konoha, itulah raja Konoha” (Shikamaru Nara & Asuma Sarutobi)
55. “Jika kamu percaya dengan impianmu aku akan membuktikan padamu bahwa kamu bisa meraih impianmu hanya dengan bekerja keras” (Rock Lee)
56. “Kalau itu artinya cerdas… bodoh selamanya pun aku tak keberatan” (Uzumaki Naruto)
57.”Untuk mendapatkan sesuatu, kau harus rela mengorbankan sesuatu yg lain (Tayuya)
58. “If there’s such a thing as peace,i will find it. I won’t give up! (Nagato)
59. “Aku harus percaya pada diriku sendiri, percaya bahwa aku adalah orang yang mereka percaya” (Uzumaki Naruto, chapter 495)
60. “ART IS A BLAST !!!” (Deidara)
61. “Berbeda denganmu, jabatan hokage pasti akan kudapatkan, karena menjadi hokage adalah cita-citaku” (Uzumaki Naruto)
62. Zabuza: “Tidak ada orang yang mampu mengalahkanku”
Naruto: “Catat aku sebagai orang pertama yang melakukannya”
63. “Menunggu dan membuat orang lain menunggu adalah hal yg kubenci” (Sasori)
64. “Lelaki manjadi semakin kuat saat ditolak..” (Jiraiya)
65. “There is a time when a guy must take a difficult decision” (Uchiha Itachi)
66. “Jika kau menungguku untuk menyerah, kau akan menungguku selamanya” (Naruto Uzumaki)
67. “Takdir setiap manusia memang telah ditentukan sejak mereka lahir, tetapi dengan kerja keras kita dapat mengalahkan takdir” (Naruto Uzumaki)
68. “Kau adalah daun yang bermandikan sinar matahari, aku adalah akar yang tumbuh dan membusuk di kegelapan” (Danzo)
69. “Faith is better than any plan” (Nagato To Jiraiya)
70. “Sampai matipun aku akan mengejar cita-citaku” (Naruto Uzumaki)
71. “Parents do believe in their children (Minato to Naruto inside Naruto)
72. “It’s ok, after all, I’m the fourth son (Naruto to Minato inside Naruto)
73. Kushina : “What is the product of Konoha Yellow Flash and Red Habanero?”
Naruto : “Konoha Orange Hokage”
74. “If you want to kill me, curse me, hate me, live your ugly life, run and run, cling to your life” (Uchiha Itachi)
75.”Semua yang memiliki bentuk, suatu saat akan membusuk” (Orochimaru)
76. “Suatu saat nanti kita juga harus menjadi orang yang dipercayakan, bukan lagi orang yang mempercayakan, kalau mau jadi shinobi keren seperti Guru Asuma atau Guru Kakashi” (Shikamaru Nara)
77. “Dia memang jelmaan rubah ekor sembilan,tapi kau harus ingat..dia berbeda dengan muridku yg lain,dia adalah murid kesayanganku” (Iruka Umino to Mizuki)
78. “If you’re shinobi, then fight with knowledge of your surroundings” ( Shikamaru Nara)
79. “An expert with stone, can beat a novice with a shuriken (Sasuke Uchiha)
80. “Aku akan melepaskan kutukan itu, kalau memang ada kedamaian, aku akan menemukannya, aku tak akan menyerah” (Naruto Uzumaki)
81. “Ninja itu harus mampu melihat yang terdalam dari yang terdalam” (Kakashi Hatake)
82. “Now there’s something I understand a little better. Hate, sadness, even joy. to be able to share it with another person…Naruto Uzumaki from fighting him i learned that. he knew pain like i did and then he taught me that you can change your path. I wish that one day i can be needed by someone. Not as a frightening weapon…But as the sand’s Kazekage…(Gaara)
83. “Kalian hanya hidup sekali. Jalani kehidupan dan matilah dengan jalan kehidupan yang kalian inginkan.Tapi apapun jalan yg kalian pilih, jangan lupa untuk melindungi orang yg berharga dalam hidup kalian” (Minato Namikaze)
84. “The power to believe in yourself… That becomes the power that changes destiny” (Genma Shiranui)
85. “When captured birds grow wiser, they try to open the cage with their beaks. They don’t give up, because they want to fly again” (Genma Shiranui/wasit Naruto-Neji)
86. “There is no point in training hard if you do not believe in yourself” (Gai Maito)
87. “You only live once! You need not choose an impossible path. You may live as you like, die as you like… Just… no matter what path you choose… never forget to protect those who are precious to you!” (Sarutobi Hiruzen/Sandaime)
88. “Protect whatever is important to you with these two arms, no matter how tough or sad it is, even if it costs you your life” (Kaiza-Fisherman at Land of Waves)
89. “Love breeds hatred” (Madara Uchiha)
90. “Ada satu hal yang pasti dan telah dibuktikan oleh sejarah…. bahwa manusia adalah makhluk yang sampai kapanpun tidak akan bisa saling memahami…” (Pain)

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Let's n Go Characters


TRF Victorys

The TRF Victorys [sic] are a team of Mini 4WD racers in the WGP competition, consisting of the main characters and representing Japan. TRF is an abbreviation for "Tsuchiya Racing Factory" (named for Dr. Tsuchiya), and it is also a reference to the real-life Tamiya Racing Factory, which also goes by the initials "TRF."
Retsu is one of the two title characters. He is a fifth-grade student who is 11 years old, and Go's older brother. Although he is able to control his patience better than his brother, he still lets out his annoyance with someone once in a while. Retsu sports a green hat as his trademark. His primary color is red, which is the color of his hair, eyes, gloves, shirt, and Mini 4WD cars. Together with Go, they are known as the "Let's Go Brothers" (レッツゴー兄弟 Rettsu Gō Kyoudai). In WGP, he is the captain of the TRF Victorys.
  • Cars: Sonic Saber (ソニックセイバー Sonikku Seibā), Vanguard Sonic (バンガードソニック Bangādo Sonikku), Sonic 600 (ソニック 600,Sonikku rokuhyaku), Hurricane Sonic (ハリケーンソニック Harikēn Sonikku), and Buster Sonic (バスターソニック Basutā Sonikku), and Blitzer Sonic (ブリッツァーソニック Burittsā Sonikku) and the latest, Rodeo Sonic.
  • Birthday: April 10
  • Blood type: A
  • Height: 124 cm (roughly 4'1")
  • Weight: 28 kg (roughly 62 pounds)
  • Hobby: Collecting postcards
  • Hometown: Japan
Go is the second of the two title characters. He is Retsu's younger brother by one year, and he is in the fourth grade. Go is rash, impulsive, careless, impatient, and brash. He is usually seen wearing goggles, but they are on his forehead most of the time as opposed to covering his eyes. His primary color is blue, which is the color of his hair, eyes, gloves, and boots, as well as his cars.
  • Cars: Magnum Saber (マグナムセイバー Magunamu Seibā), Victory Magnum (ビクトリーマグナム Bikutorī Magunamu), Magnum 600 (マグナム 600 Magunamu rokuhyaku), Cyclone Magnum (サイクロンマグナム Saikuron Magunamu), Beat Magnum (ビートマグナム Bīto Magunamu), Lightning Magnum (ライトニングマグナム Raitoningu Magunamu)and the latest,Bison Magnum.
  • Birthday: August 1
  • Blood type: O
  • Height: 120 cm (roughly 3'11")
  • Weight: 25 kg (roughly 55 pounds)
  • Hobby: Manga, video games
  • Hometown: Japan
Ryo is a wanderer who, with his brother Jiromaru, lives off the land. When he first meets the Seiba Brothers, He quickly becomes their rival, particularly that of Go. Eventually however, he becomes a friend of the Seibas and as well as a member of the TRF Victorys.
  • Cars: Tridagger X (トライダガーX Toraidagā X), Neo-Tridagger ZMC (ネオトライダガーZMC Neo Toraidagā ZMC), Rising Trigger (ライジングトリガー Raijingu Torigā)
  • Birthday: August 27
  • Blood type: O
  • Height: 140 cm (roughly 4'7")
  • Weight: 37 kg (roughly 82 pounds)
  • Hobby: Fishing
  • Hometown: Japan
  • Tokichi Mikuni (三国 藤吉 Mikuni Tōkichi) - Chie Koujiro
Tokichi is a spoiled rich boy, because his father is the owner of Mikuni Corporation. When he first meets the Seiba Brothers, Go takes an instant liking to him, most likely because of his money. His family owns an arcade (which instantly attracts Go), which is always the hot spot for kids. When speaking, he pronounces "desu" (です, meaning "is" or "to be") as "degesu" (でげす). His strength is making cars with emphasis on their technical cornering ability. Tokichi also likes to make his entrances in overly extravagant manners stereotypical of rich people, such as jumping out of a helicopter, arriving in a limousine, and surrounded with an entourage with great fanfare.
  • Cars: Spin Axe (スピンアックス Supin Akkusu), Spin Cobra (スピンコブラ Supin Kobura), Spin Viper (スピンバイパー Supin Baipā)
  • Birthday: March 3
  • Blood type: B
  • Height: 118 cm (roughly 3'10")
  • Weight: 28 kg (roughly 62 pounds)
  • Hobby: Japanese tea ceremony
  • Hometown: Japan
Initially a battle racer in the Ōgami Corps, trained under Dr. Ōgami, he later finds enjoyment in regular racing with the Seiba brothers. Because of this, he decides to leave Ōgami Labs, renouncing the anything-to-win attitude instilled by Dr. Ōgami, and goes to live with Dr. Tsuchiya in his laboratory as an assistant. As a result, he also gradually changes in his personality, turning from an introvert into a more cheerful boy. Of all the other team members, J is the most skilled technician/mechanic, having prior experience with computers and machines while under Ogami's training. These skills are proven on many occasions, namely when he repaired the damaged Tridagger X to repay Ryo for damaging it in a previous race, when he helped Go design and build the Cyclone Magnum and when he designed the Proto Saber EVO. He appears to be best friends with Go.
  • Cars: Proto Saber JB (プロトセイバーJB Puroto Seibā JB), Proto Saber Evolution (プロトセイバーエヴォリューション Puroto Seibā Evoryūshon)
  • Birthday: December 14
  • Blood type: AB
  • Height: 140 cm (roughly 4'7")
  • Weight: 32 kg (roughly 71 pounds)
  • Hobby: Gardening
  • Hometown: Japan

Other racers

  • Jirōmaru Takaba (鷹羽 二郎丸 Takaba Jirōmaru) - Ikue Ōtani
Jirōmaru is Ryo Takaba's younger brother. He likes Ryo a lot, and follows him around everywhere. In his speech, he always mispronounces "desu" (です, meaning "is" or several other forms of "to be") as "dasu" (だす), and calls Ryo "anchan" (あんちゃん), a cross between "aniki" (兄貴) and "oniichan" (お兄ちゃん), both ways of referring to one's older brother in Japanese. His cars, which he named "Jirōmaru Special", "Jirōmaru Special Special", "Jirōmaru Special Special Special", "Jirōmaru Special Special Special Special", and "Jirōmaru Special Special Special Special Special" are constantly damaged in races. Most of these cars resemble Ryo's first car, Tridagger X.
Jun has been a friend of the Seiba brothers since they were infants. She is an ace pitcher in baseball, and plays for a team named "Jun Chanzu" (ジュンちゃんず). At first, she is a novice at Mini 4WD racing, but improves in her skill through the influence of the Seiba brothers and others. Jun's name, combined with those of Retsu and Go, is a reference to Jun Retsugō (レツゴー じゅん Retsugō Jun), the stage name of Japanese comedian Yoshiji Watanabe (渡辺 美二 Watanabe Yoshiji). Her cars are named Wild Home Run, Home Run Manta Ray, and Super Home Run Manta Ray. Her cars almost always resemble a van with monster truck proportioned wheels.
  • Chīko Mikuni (三国 チイコ Mikuni Chīko) - Akiko Yajima
Chīko is Tokichi's younger sister. She has a crush on Retsu. She uses her own Mini 4WD called the "Flower Axe", which is a customised variant of the Spin Axe. In episode 18 of the WGP season, when Chiiko becomes jealous of the female WGP competitors, she imagines a scene where a group of female admirers crowds around Retsu. Oddly enough, the group includes Riichi, a male character.
R is J's older sister, originally thought to have died in a plane accident on her way to America while she and J were still kids. She was first disappointed at J for defecting from Ogami but later understood why after the first race of the SGJC. She is last seen returning to America, saying that if J sees her there, she would show J what real racing is.

Supporting characters

The head of the Tsuchiya Racing Factory. His first name is never mentioned; he is simply referred to as Dr. Tsuchiya. He is named after Hirotsugu Tsuchiya, a Tamiya employee. His ongoing conflict in ideals continue against Dr. Ogami as the story progresses.
He also has a past of being a jet pilot and engineer of jet planes, as shown in his lesser-seen parts of his labs. It is also where he found the inspiration to create the Super Avante; the prototype used for all the Saber series of Mini 4WD racers.
  • Takeshi "Mini Yon Fighter" Sugiyama (杉山 闘士 Sugiyama Takeshi, ミニ四ファイター Mini Yon Faitā) - Showtaro Morikubo
The emcee, announcer, and commentator for most Mini 4WD races. In the animation, he is shown to possess a Shining Scorpion Mini 4WD racer. In the manga, he is shown using a customized version of the Victory Magnum known as Fighter Magnum VFX.
Tamotsu is Jun's father and the manager of the Sagami Model Shop that the Seiba brothers frequent. Despite running a business, he refuses to supply any Battle Racing Parts as he believes that racing is not about destroying other vehicles.
He is the father of the Seiba brothers. Kaizō quickly developed an interest for Mini 4WD and likes to race together with his sons. His personal vehicle is a customized variant of the Saber series of mass produced racers, which he personally calls "Godfather". If not for the rule saying that adults can't participate on Mini 4WD competitions, he'd enter them.
The mother of the Seiba brothers, she has a bighearted and courageous personality. At first, she dislikes Mini 4WD racing, mostly due to her annoyance with Retsu and Go constantly fighting about them, but she eventually grows used to it.

WGP rival teams

NA Astro Rangers (USA)

The NA Astro Rangers are a team of NASA trainees in the WGP competition, representing the USA. All members use the same car, the Buck Blader, but each one has a different tuning setup despite their identical exteriors. The Buck Blader is noted for their versatile build due to their all-terrain custom chassis.
The team captain of the NA Astro Rangers.
  • Car: Buck Blader (with Power Booster; a last-use ability which forces the machine into overdrive, thus draining all the remaining battery of the vehicle right before the end of a race)
  • Birthday: June 2
  • Blood type: O
  • Height: 154 cm
  • Hobby: Crossword puzzles
  • Hometown: Washington D.C.
  • Edge Blaze - Hisayoshi Izagi
  • Car: Buck Blader (all-purpose setup)
  • Birthday: September 26
  • Blood type: B
  • Height: 147 cm
  • Hobby: Skateboarding
  • Hometown: Los Angeles
  • Car: Buck Blader (high speed setup)
  • Birthday: June 18
  • Blood type: B
  • Height: 140 cm
  • Hobby: Surfing the Internet
  • Hometown: New York
  • Michael Miller - Hidehiro Kikuchi
  • Car: Buck Blader (cornering specialist setup)
  • Birthday: September 15
  • Blood type: A
  • Height: 120 cm
  • Hobby: Ice hockey
  • Hometown: Salt Lake City
  • Hammer "Hammer D" David Grant - Takuma Suzuki

Eisen Wolf (Germany)

Michael CV: Shinobu Adachi The leader of the Eisen Wolf. A nature-lover boy. His M4WD is the Bergkaiser Type:R.
Schmidt CV: Akira Ishida Member of the Eisen Wolf along with Eric. He is always overprotective to Mikhail. His M4WD is the Bergkaiser Type:L
Erich CV: Shin-ichiro Miki Also a member of the Eisen Wolf. His M4WD is the Bergkaiser Type:R
Adolf a member of Eisen Wolf
Häßler a member of Eisen Wolf

Rosso Strada (Italy)

Carlo CV: Hiro Yūki
The leader of Rosso Strada. Serious and a cool guy also. His M4WD is the Dio Spada.

CCP Silver Fox (Russia)

Yuri Shuvolks CV: Yuka Imai
A boy who is kind and careful. A nature-lover also. His M4WD is the Omega01.

Savannah Soldiers (Africa)

Asides from their manager/coach (Kai Okita), the Savannah Soldiers consist purely of female racers. Their Team's Machines are the Beak Spider Zebra; modelled directly after their coach's original machine, the Beak Spider.

Light Scorpion (China)

A Chinese boy who never gives up as a Mini-four Racer. His Mini 4WD is the Shining Scorpion.

Odins (Northern Europe)

Nieminen CV: Shibihara Chiyako
He always says that his M4WD is the strongest(he said in Japanese "buchigiri!"). His M4WD is the White Knight.

AR Boomerangs (Australia)

Jim CV: Miyazaki Issei
An Australian boy. His M4WD is the Native Sun; which is equipped with Solar Panels used for powering the vehicle to eliminate the need for changing batteries. The Native Sun is also equipped with auxiliary batteries used for powering both the vehicle and the wipers (used for removing foreign objects blocking the panels).

Cool Caribbeans (Jamaica)

A Jamaican Racer and the leader of Cool Caribbeans who loves to dance. His M4WD is the Jammin RG.

Name translations

Japanese (Original) Philippine Italian Indonesian
Retsu Seiba (星馬 烈) Jet Ricky Retsu
Go Seiba (星馬 豪) Joey Ghigo Go
J Jay J J
Ryo Takaba Ryan Ryo Rio
Jirōmaru Takaba Jericho Gerolamo Jiromaru
Tokichi Mikuni Timothy Edoardo Tokici
Dr. Tsuchiya (土屋) Dr. Hendricks Mr. Jeep Dr. Suciya
Dr. Ōgami (大神) Dr. O'Hara Dottor Orlando Dr. Ogami
Retsuya Ichimonji (一文字 烈矢)
Gōki Ichimonji (一文字 豪樹)

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One Piece Encyclopedia

Rob Lucci

Rob Lucci
Rob Lucci
Japanese Name: ロブ・ルッチ
Romanized Name: Robu Rucchi
English Name: Rob Lucci
First Appearance: Chapter 323;
Episode 230
Affiliations: CP9; Galley-La (former, disguise)
Occupations: Assassin; Shipwright
Japanese VA: Tomokazu Seki
Funi English VA: Jason Liebrecht
Age: 28 (debut)[1]
30 (after timeskip)[2]
Birthday: June 2[3]
Douriki: 4000
Devil Fruit
Japanese Name: Neko Neko no Mi, Model: Leopard
English Name: Cat-Cat Fruit Leopard Model (Viz);
Cat-Cat Fruit, Model: Leopard (FUNimation)
Meaning: Cat
Type: Zoan
Rob Lucci (ロブ・ルッチ, Robu Rucchi) is one of the main antagonists of the CP9 Saga. He was first seen as one of the five foremen of Galley-La Company's Dock One. He was a sawyer, treenail & bolt specialist. Later on, it is revealed that he is the strongest member of the CP9 operating undercover, in order to obtain the Pluton blueprints from Iceburg.


Rob Lucci is a very tall and slim, yet muscular man with arched brows and a close-shaved goatee. He has shoulder length wavy hair that is sometimes tied in a ponytail. When he isn't fighting, his pet pigeon Hattori is usually perched quietly on his right shoulder. He has a tattoo of a crossed-out square on each upper arm, as well as five cannonball scars on his back in the shape of the World Government symbol.
He wore a large black top hat with a sepia band until he lost it during his fight with Luffy. As a shipwright, he wore brown trousers with caramel suspenders over a white tanktop and shoes with black toe-caps. As an assassin, he wore a neat black suit with the sleeves normally rolled up, with black leather shoes and a white tie and handkerchief in the breast pocket.
Lucci was drawn as a child by Oda after a fan asked to draw the CP9 members as children. However, the anime had also portrayed a 13-year-old Lucci in its rendition of his past story. Though the two portrayals of Lucci are meant to be him, they have different styles to them, mostly because Oda's version was drawn after the anime had already depicted him and not just because they show him at two different ages. Note that Oda did depict the silhouette of 13 year-old Lucci from the backside, though only briefly - this most likely is where the anime design for him originates. Also, in what may have been a cheeky reference to Lucci's violent tendencies, Oda drew child-Lucci with the kanji for heiwa - "peace" - on his shirt, which possibly also allows us to infer that the branch child-Lucci is holding is an olive branch in tribute to the type of branch held by white doves (in this case Hattori) as a sign of peace.[4]


Lucci as a child with a young Hattori.
Young lucci.jpg
Lucci during his early training.
Rob Lucci as a shipwright of Water 7.
Rob Lucci.png
Lucci as a member of CP9.
Lucci in his bull costume.
One Piece Rob Lucci Unlimited Adventure.jpg
Lucci in Unlimited Adventure.
Rob Lucci Leopard.jpg
Lucci in his half-leopard form.
Seimei Kikan: Kami-e Bushin.

PersonalityEdit Personality section

Galley-LaEdit Galley-La section

Rob Lucci never speaks, preferring to instead talk through his pet pigeon, Hattori, using ventriloquism. Hattori always rides on Lucci's shoulder until Lucci begins fighting, at which point he will fly overhead until the battle is over. Lucci seems to have a rivalry with Paulie, and often chides him for having money problems. Because of this rivalry, the two often fight; however, the matches generally end before there is a victor. Other than this, however, Lucci appears to be very distant from everyone else, including the other foremen and Iceburg.

CP9Edit CP9 section

Lucci comes off as a cold and collected CP9 agent, almost never displaying any emotions (nevertheless even he displayed shock at the knowledge that Franky had the Pluton blueprints the whole time, and is shown smirking when convincing Kaku and Kalifa to eat Devil Fruits as well as when he and Spandam realized Luffy was following them, probably because of his lust for battle). An example is the brutal assault on his friend of 5 years, Paulie, whom he even tried to kill after the CP9's identities had been revealed. He also states that he feels no true bond with the city he's lived in for 5 years, and he seems to have no feelings for his fellow CP9 colleagues, least of all Spandam. Interestingly enough, he does react rather violently if anyone calls him a gakki (slang in Japanese for kid or brat), responding with a kick and a retort both times after Iceburg and Franky referred to him as such. The reason that he killed the 500 soldiers in his past was due to another belief of his - the belief that weakness is a sin.[5] He finds it offensive when someone speaks weakness around him,[6] and going as far as to dismiss a new colleague by killing him for being weak. He also believes if he is involved then the situation means blood will be drawn and that he also does not have to accept the views and ideals of his superiors as long as he completes his missions efficiently.[7]
He seems to derive amusement and gratification from inflicting physical and emotional pain on others, making him a typical sadist. These scenes, along with when he anticipates battle, are the only times where he seems happy at all. In the Tower of Justice at Enies Lobby, he reveals that he only joined the World Government so he can be legally allowed to kill people. An example of Lucci's lust for violence is when he compromised the mission of bringing Robin to the Gates of Justice by allowing Monkey D. Luffy to tail him, for the sole purpose of having a battle (even giving a happy yet highly disturbing smirk when Luffy burst through the door). Lucci's violent and predatory nature is also shown when he goes into full-beast mode during battle, in order to attack Luffy more violently. He is also apparently somewhat sensitive in his Devil Fruit's form as Usopp managed to goad Lucci into coming after him (and getting Luffy to continue fighting) by calling him a worthless little kitten, which noticeably angers him. Another example of his sadism is when Lucci flooded the underwater passageway to the Gates of Justice in an attempt to kill the Straw Hat crew member in the passageway, because he wanted to eliminate Luffy's chances of having everything just to anger him.
Despite all this apparent lack of morality, he has displayed some, if very little, sympathy for those he dubs innocent; when the Candy Pirates are attacking a small village, he quickly dispatches the captain to save the people, though his demonstration of Absolute Justice later prompts him and his comrades to leave.

Powers and Abilities

No battle has a certain outcome. (...) Who could have predicted that Rob Lucci would be defeated?
— Bartholomew Kuma warning Gekko Moriah to never underestimate the Straw Hats.
As one of the physically strongest characters in the series, Rob Lucci's great power is acknowledged even by the Shichibukai.[8] Even at the tender age of thirteen, Lucci was already known to be a very capable mass-murderer, having killed 500 soldiers and a crew of pirates single-handedly. It should be also noted that Rob Lucci is the strongest member of CP9 in history by far; with his Douriki at 4000, almost twice that of the second strongest member of CP9, Kaku's 2200. Franky himself noted that his strength is levels above the rest of CP9, and later remarked that, if it weren't for Luffy, he wasn't sure how many of them would have been slaughtered. Lucci is the only person so far to single-handedly bring Luffy to the brink of death with nothing other than raw brute force. Because of his reputation, he is a very valuable asset to the World Government, almost to the point of legend; the Vice Admirals even believe that he can survive a Buster Call attack. His (along with the rest of the CP9 unit's) value has been diminished upon his loss against Luffy and now acting as a renegade crew, hunting for their former boss Spandam who betrayed them.
Along with his great super-human strength and super-human speed, Rob Lucci is also a skilled detective. It was he who deduced the connection between Iceburg and Franky, figured out the principles behind Luffy's Gear Second[9] and Gear Third[10] "upgrades" on sight, and showed extensive knowledge about the Devil Fruits. Lucci also quickly thought of a way to effortlessly jeopardize the lives of Luffy's crewmembers and friends - as well as their mission to save Robin - during his battle with Luffy at Enies Lobby, by flooding the underwater passageway to the Gates of Justice.

RokushikiEdit Rokushiki section

The ultimate Rokushiki technique known only to Lucci, Sai Dai Rin: Rokuougan.

Further information: Rokushiki
Lucci has complete mastery of Rokushiki, having used at least one or more moves from each of the different forms, such as Rankyaku Hyoubi and Tobu Shigan: Bachi. He demonstrates this when he unveils the Rokushiki hidden technique, Rokuougan, during his fight with Luffy. The massively powerful technique is so strong that it causes severe internal injury to Luffy's body, who described its effect as an Impact Dial with greatly amplified power; no small feat considering that he's made of rubber. With his complete mastery of Rokushiki, in conjunction with his Devil Fruit ability, Lucci proved to be a resilient and formidable foe, fighting on an equal footing with Luffy in Gear Second, and literally forcing him to exert every ounce of strength against him.

Devil Fruit

Lucci in his full-leopard form.

Further information: Neko Neko no Mi, Model: Leopard
Rob Lucci ate the Neko Neko no Mi, Model: Leopard, a Zoan-class Devil Fruit which allows him to transform into a leopard and a giant leopard-human hybrid. As Zoan-class Devil Fruits enhances physical capabilities the most, it is most favored by martial artists like Lucci. Also, being a carnivorous animal, Lucci is more bloodthirsty and predatory than a regular Zoan-class user, proven when he mauled Luffy as an actual leopard.

Life ReturnEdit Life Return section

Further information: Life Return
It has been revealed that Lucci can perform Life Return, like Kumadori, and use it to alter his body into forms that amplify his skills in a specific Rokushiki ability. However, only the Kami-e Form, which makes his man-beast form smaller and thinner, has been seen.


The Early Years

In Chapter 0 of One Piece: Strong World, a very young Rob Lucci (alongside a teenage Blueno and Jyabura) was seen training with the other CP9 hopefuls when Gol D. Roger was executed. Notably, Hattori was around back then - he was perched on Lucci's head.

The Island Raid

Lucci's backstory concerning his admission into CP9 is revealed by Vice Admiral Doberman during the Buster Call on Enies Lobby.
According to Doberman, 15 years prior, a kingdom had 500 of its soldiers and its king taken hostage by a pirate crew, with the captain demanding to be made the new king of the kingdom. As the government saw the king beginning to admit defeat, they sent in the 13 year-old Rob Lucci. He allowed himself to be imprisoned, killed all 500 hostages in the room, and mercilessly decapitated the captain. It is implied that he killed the rest of the captain's crew as well. During his confrontation, the crew fired upon him with 5 mortar cannons which left him with the noticeable scars across his back; the fact that he survived these shots was the first indication to the World Government of how strong Rob Lucci would turn out to be.

Galley-La Company

When Lucci is first seen as one of the five foremen of Galley-La Company's Dock One, he appears to be a ventriloquist using his pigeon, Hattori, to speak for him. He also shows very impressive skills when he gets into a fight with Paulie and, later on, Luffy. It is soon revealed he is the unquestioned leader of the Water 7 CP9 unit which infiltrated the Galley-La company, and perfectly capable of speaking for himself. When invading the Iceburg's mansion he was the one wearing the bull mask.

CP9 and Enies Lobby

At the Galley-La headquarters in Water 7, Lucci effortlessly defeats Luffy in a relatively short fight before setting the building ablaze, leaving the Strawhats to take the fall.
Afterwards, him and the other members of the CP9 track Franky down an old warehouse formerly owned by Tom that he was maintaining. Knowing Franky held the blueprints for the Pluton, he takes him hostage along with Nico Robin and Usopp to deliver to the World Government. They then board the Sea Train before Aqua Laguna floods the city. Sanji catches up with the train but is easily thwarted. Lucci finishes off Nero for being weak to the team after his defeat by Franky.
Rob Lucci and Hattori at Enies Lobby.

Later in Enies Lobby, Lucci and the rest of CP9 members witness the Strawhats arrival and their challenge to them and the World Government, much to his amusement. Luffy chases after Lucci and initiates a second fight with him. The two engage in an extremely hectic and boisterous fight from which Lucci still holds a noticeable advantage where Lucci bests, outlasts, and survives Luffy's attacks and counters with twice as much power. Luffy is later joined by Franky but even with the added reinforcement the two of them are still woefully outmatched by Lucci.
During the fight, Luffy is incapacitated and Franky is nearly killed by Lucci's Shigan Ouren until Luffy uses his Gear Second technique, to which he promptly began beating on Lucci even in his half-beast form. However, Lucci still manages to gain the advantage when the Gear Second effect wears out, leaving Luffy in the same situation. At this point, Lucci floods the tunnels with water by using Rankyaku to break the wall, to stop Luffy's crew from escaping and taunts Luffy, asking him whether he will continue to fight or rescue his friends and promptly escapes to higher ground, Luffy pursues him claiming that if he couldn't defeat Lucci, he couldn't protect any of his nakama.
Luffy and Lucci clash.

The fight continues with Lucci easily countering every one of Luffy's attacks and thrashes him around so much he could barely stand anymore. Rob Lucci, confident that Luffy used up all his energy using Gear Second, remarks that he is helpless before him like so many other pirates. In response, Luffy chuckles and claims that he is going to use a different strategy and activates Gear Third with Hone Fuusen. After Luffy uses Hone Fuusen, Rob Lucci responds to this by saying "Bone?" to Luffy. He then says to Lucci that the power moves from one bone to another, and told him to watch.
He also says to Lucci that his left arm is now the hand of a giant. Rob Lucci, now seeing Luffy starting his attack, says that if he is trying to intimidate him, he needs to stop it. Luffy starts attacking using Gomu Gomu no Gigant Pistol while Rob Lucci tries to block and prevent from damaging him with Tekkai. However, Lucci got hurt in the process from the attack instead. Monkey D. Luffy, using the humongous strength of Gear Third, punches Lucci so hard that he is flung all the way onto a Buster Call ship, almost passing out in the process. Nevertheless, he takes advantage of Gear Third's lack of speed to quickly strike Luffy down with another Tobu Shigan Bachi, causing Luffy to deactivate Gear Third. He then uses Rankyaku Gaichou for the very first time in the air while Luffy is down on a Buster Call ship to finish him off, causing an explosion and cutting through steel on the ship.
Monkey D. Luffy was fortunate that it was close; had he been actually hit by Lucci's strongest Rankyaku technique, he would have been literally split in two. Rob Lucci, while using Geppou to hop in the air, comments that, whether Monkey D. Luffy is being serious or joking around, the fact that he is still alive is entertaining - and, if he were to die from such a bombardment, that it would be boring. He then uses Kamisori to get to where Luffy is, and thrashes him again. While Luffy is down and still deflated from deactivating Gear Third, Rob Lucci says that Gear Third is a very unbalanced technique and that he says that Luffy is willing to take the hits, in exchange for that power.
He uses Seimei Kikan: Kami-e Bushin to make his hybrid form smaller and thinner and attacks Luffy with Shigan, crashing him to the wall, and destroy a part of it. While Lucci is choking Luffy who is now stuck to the wall, he was going to say that his stupid attack isn't going to hurt, but was interrupted when Luffy punched him, angering him and smashes Luffy into the wall further. With Luffy now completely stuck to the wall, Lucci comments that is unfortunate, but in Luffy's "stupid" form, he told him to die. Rob Lucci then attempts to end the fight quickly with Shigan Madara, with Luffy in danger that if his body isn't back to normal, he would certainly die. But suddenly, Lucci partially collapses, realizing that Luffy had managed to fracture both his legs with Gear Third.
Now partially disabled, he is easily beaten down by Luffy. While Rob Lucci is down by Luffy's Gear Second Gomu Gomu no Jet Pistol, he says that he will show Monkey D. Luffy the most powerful technique known to those who have absolute mastery over Rokushiki, using Soru and coming to a halt in front of Luffy. He then pulls and uses his trump card - his ultimate move and the most powerful technique in Rokushiki, Rokuougan - to severely injure Luffy, evening the odds once again. Luffy claims that Rokuougan is like an Impact Dial, but with greatly amplified power. Rob Lucci, in his smaller form, then attempts to finish off Luffy with another Rankyaku Gaichou. Luffy continues to press the fight, but Rob Lucci says that his Gear Second technique is starting to lose its edge, claiming tauntingly that, as he had surmised, it was impossible for Luffy to escape Enies Lobby after all.
He then continues by saying that even if this island lost its shape, he'll pursue Nico Robin to the end of the earth, and obliterate her or anyone who gets in the way of the World Government, all in the name of "Dark Justice", while attacking Luffy with many Rankyaku shock waves. Luffy countered them with his punches, and says that they've come this far to set Robin free from such a thing. He then attacks Lucci with Gomu Gomu no Jet Stamp, but it was evaded by Lucci's Soru. Rob Lucci then uses another Rokuougan on Luffy to greatly damage him again, having him face down in a pool of his own blood. Lucci comments that he would still kill Luffy's crew no matter how hard Luffy tries to prevent him from doing so. Lucci remains confident even after Luffy gets up again due to Usopp's encouragement, and uses Seimei Kikan: Kaijo to return to his giant, stronger form, saying that he will defeat Luffy with all of his power at once. He continues taunting Luffy by telling him not to worry about his nakama, as he'd send every single one of them to the same hell.
Continuing the fight with his opponent, he uses Shigan Madara again, while Luffy counters it with his punches. After getting hit again by Luffy, he attempts to use Rokuougan again. Luffy, in Gear Second, tries to get out of its range and claims that he won't get hit by that attack again, but Lucci uses his tail to prevent him from escaping the technique. Determined to end the fight once and for all, Lucci channels all of his power into his next attack, the powerful Saidairin: Rokuougan, to greatly wound Luffy once more - but this ultimately proves futile and perhaps even served to weaken him further due to the energy required for the attack and the fact that it was used as a final resort.
Lucci is defeated by Luffy.

Rob Lucci turned around after performing his ultimate attack on Luffy, but is surprised to sense that Luffy is still standing upright behind him. He turns around to see Luffy unleashing an attack. Recalling all the pain Lucci had put Robin and his friends through, Luffy unleashes a brutal Gear Second "Gomu Gomu no Jet Gatling" attack on Lucci. Rob Lucci attempts to use Tekkai to deflect the blows, but unfortunately for him, the enormous attack strikes Lucci so hard and fast that it appears he is being hit with dozens of fists at the same time. The attack smashes Lucci against and through a brick wall, leaving him unconscious and defeated.

CP9's Independent Report

Rob Lucci deals excessive justice.

Blueno is shown using his Devil Fruit's ability, Air Door at Enies Lobby while carrying Lucci. Kalifa and Fukurou are also shown at the back of Blueno. Due to the severe and near fatal injuries he suffered in his battle against Luffy he is still unconscious or even comatose, being carried by Kumadori while the rest are walking along the Sea Train tracks and is in serious need of medical attention. They reach the city of St. Poplar, where the rest of CP9 try to gather money for his medical fees by becoming street performers, with Kalifa becoming a street cleaner. (CP9 is unable to turn to the world government for help, as Spandam has dispatched pursuers to capture them so they could be blamed for the mission's failure).[11] They gather enough money and Lucci is given his much needed medical attention; Lucci finally wakes.[12]
It is interesting to note that, despite Lucci's reputation as a cold-blooded assassin, the rest of CP9 (excluding Spandam) seem to genuinely care for Lucci's well-being, evidenced in their efforts to revive him and their celebration when he is discharged from the hospital[13] Lucci is seen expressing gratefulness for the first time in his known life when he shakes his doctor's hand. He has most recently been seen bowling with the other CP9 members. Along with the rest of CP9, he attacks the Candy Pirates when they start ransacking the island; Rob Lucci knocks out the captain with a kick while the others take out their ship. However, he starts going overboard and tries to crush the skull of the captain, much to the horror of the spectators. This makes the group realize they can't stay on the island much longer. As they make their way to the harbor, a little girl gives Kalifa a flower as thanks for saving them. They depart with the Candy Pirates' ship and eventually settle on the lush forest island where they were trained. They begin watching the CP9's next generation and when Captain Very Good arrives to arrest them, they stand their ground in a peculiar image that reflects their animal themes.
As CP9 battled, and eventually defeated the Marine troops led by Very Good, Lucci contacted a physically crippled Spandam using a Den Den Mushi, and promised to come for him very soon. With that, CP9 left their homeland and set sail into the distance.

Anime and Manga Differences

They were criminals, so I killed them in name of justice...As soldiers, weakness is a sin. They surrendered to evil, and caused a crisis in the kingdom. That type of soldier doesn't deserve to live. So they're dead.
— Lucci's view on justice as explained in the anime.
Thirteen-year-old Lucci in the anime.

The anime follows the same trend for Lucci's back story, but with several differences and elaborations. After being sent, he approached the king, who begged Lucci to save the soldiers, but Lucci told the king not to question the ways of the World Government. This left the king to wonder what the Government was thinking, sending a young boy to such a dangerous assignment. Lucci stepped into the pirates' ship and claimed to serve justice against them, and they laughed and mocked him. After sarcastically telling Lucci to go home, two pirates attempted to strike him down with swords, but Lucci blocked it with his Tekkai. The crew thought Lucci was using some weird ability, and the captain warned that if Lucci resisted anymore, the hostages would die. Then, with the crew pointing guns at Lucci's head, he ordered his men to take Lucci to the prison along with the other soldiers, as a way to insult the World Government. After the pirates locked Lucci in and mocked him further, Lucci ensured that all the hostages were there - then, using his Rokushiki techniques, he brutally massacred all 500 hostages while the oblivious pirate crew was still enjoying their celebration party.
When one of the pirates came to check out on the prisoners, he ran screaming for his captain - and the entire crew saw, to their horror and fury, all of their precious hostages murdered, with Lucci standing on top of the mountain of corpses, his victims' blood dripping from his finger. After a short argument on the justice of the World Government, the captain angrily ordered his crew to use their mortars - the very weapons that forced the soldiers to surrender - to kill Lucci, with five cannon balls striking Lucci right in the back. The captain said that Lucci deserved it for looking down on them, then complained how their perfect plan was ruined. In the midst of his complaint, he saw, to his shock and horror, that Lucci had survived the blast and had stood back up from the inferno, with his back scarred a shape reminiscent of the World Government's logo. Lucci then used his Soru to swiftly appear before the captain and seized him by the face, then, despite the captain's futile attempt to pry himself free, Lucci launched a barrage of Shigan (much like Shigan Ouren) to brutally shoot the captain to death, letting his corpse crash down onto the ground. Realizing who they were facing, with a monster who is immune to weapons and is heartless enough to kill hostages, the rest of the crew screamed in horror and fled. Whether they were pursued and killed is not known. With that, Lucci's mission came to completion.
Regardless of which version, the scar that Lucci gained on his back vaguely resembles the symbol of the World Government. Also, Lucci's view of justice explained on the anime is also mentioned by Oda on an SBS, who says he cut it out of the manga in order for the story to move along faster.

Early One Piece

Early concept designs of Lucci and other Water 7 characters

An early design of Lucci had him without the goatee and without his distinctive lips.[14]

Translation and Dub Issues

In an SBS, a fan noted that Rob is another word for 'steal' and Lucci means 'light' in Italian. Put them together, and Rob Lucci means "steal the light", which follows his 'dark justice' theme.[15]
'Light' in Italian is luce, not lucci. This is most likely due to fickleness of translating Japanese to Italian and vice versa. However, when the fan asked if Oda named him this on purpose, Oda had no idea about it - it may have been pure coincidence, similar to how Oda didn't know that there is a Maritime term called a "Luff" until after he named Luffy. As such, though there are many cases of False etymology within the One Piece fandom, this is one of the few addressed by Oda himself.


He featured in the second wave of the One Piece VS Figure Gashapon series, in the Portrait of Pirates: Neo-6 wave of figurines, in the Dokodemo Swing and Animal Mascot strap sets, in Bandai's FC candy toy sets, and in the Plex Anime Heroes Enies Lobby set. He will also be represented in the upcoming Deforme Figure Keyholder set and the High Spec Coloring 5 set.

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